How To Get A Part-Time Job in Australia: Explained

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International students want to know how to get and find part-time jobs in Australia.


If you are a student looking to earn money while studying in Australia, several part-time job opportunities are available. You can work up to 40 hours a fortnight (20 hours weekly) on a student visa, helping you earn money while you study to cover expenses such as food and rent.


However, before you search for part-time work, you need to know about this kind of work, your rights, and how you can find part-time jobs easily.


Let's get started!



1. What Is Considered A Part-Time job?


Students can work up to 20 hours a week and get hired for late shifts, weekend work or jobs during holiday seasons. A part-time job helps them stay grounded and focus on interpersonal skills.


Part-time work in Melbourne or any part of Australia offers a great experience to students. They learn a lot from diverse personalities they meet on their way.



2. Why Do Students Need A Part-time Job?


Many students in Australia often supplement their finances by taking up part-time jobs. Although taking up a part-time job while pursuing a degree is challenging, utilizing your free time to earn money is excellent!


Suppose you are a student studying in Australia and want to earn money to repay a student loan. A part-time job in Australia is a good idea for leisure spending or to enhance your skills.


To make the process easier, you should open a bank account at an Australian bank to get your earnings deposited. Further, apply for a Tax File Number from the Australian Taxation Office to avoid being taxed at the highest rate.



3. What Are Employment Rights In Australia?


During your stay in Australia, you will be entitled to specific rights if you choose to work. Although your student visa is restricted to a limited number of hours, your job rights as an employee are similar to other workers in Australia. 


You can work up to 40 hours per fortnight, earning money and bearing study and living expenses.


You are allowed to work unlimited hours during semester breaks. Other than the maximum weekly hours of work, you also receive the following entitlements known as the NES (National Employment Standards):


  • Public holidays

  • Annual leave

  • Community service leave

  • Long service leave

  • Parental leave and related entitlements

  • Compassionate leave and personal carer's leave

  • Provision of a Fair Work Information Statement

  • Requests for flexible working arrangements

  • Notice of termination and redundancy pay


You must know about your employment rights. For whatever job you do, you should receive a decent salary. So always be aware of employers who ask you to work for unpaid positions or insist on paying "cash on hand." 


You should also carefully read the employment contracts you sign and familiarize yourself with the pay and conditions for your field of work. For more information, visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website.


Furthermore, to make the employment process easy, you should open a bank account in Australia to deposit all your earnings. Additionally, you must apply for the TFN (Tax File Number) to avoid getting taxed at the highest rate. In most situations, the employer provides a TFN declaration form, but you can also get one online.



4. Where Can You Find Work in Australia?


You can find work in Australia based on your interests and strengths. The primary thing you need to consider when finding a job in Australia is to look for one that is convenient for you so that you can also focus on your studies. 


Thus, find a job in your local area or near your campus. Here are some of the options you can consider:


  • On-Campus jobs: This is an excellent option for students as it is flexible and has many benefits. Depending on how much money you want to make, you can pick hours for your on-campus job according to your preferences.


  • Services: This profile includes jobs at call centres, petrol stations, supermarkets, and other businesses that require administration work.


  • Retail: This incorporates selling goods (electronics, clothing, etc.) to customers at any store. It can be a chain of stores, a small store, or a large department store.


  • Industry: If you get lucky, you can also get a job in a specific sector — something related to your field of study. For instance, if you are a media student, you can gain employment with a radio station or local television. 


  • Hospitality: This is another exciting industry that enables you to get a part-time job at restaurants, takeaway food stores, cinemas, sporting venues, hotels, and bars.



5. How To Find Work in Australia?


Have a resume before looking for part-time jobs that pay well. Make sure your resume has everything that qualifies you for the desired post. It should explain why you are a good fit for the position and should list your interests, skills, education, and previous employment experience.


It is also vital that your resume has no errors. You should seek help from someone (preferably an English speaker) to check it before you start looking for part-time employment opportunities. Several institutions in Australia offer career advice, helping you with formatting and writing a professional resume.


Furthermore, ensure you have copies of essential documents, such as educational certifications, as Australian employers may request.


Once your resume is ready, it's time to look for a part-time job. Here's how you can find work in Australia:



  • You can also go directly to a shopping strip or a local shopping centre and hand over your resume. Ask the manager there if they have any job openings. If not, you can seek permission to leave your resume with them so they can inform you whenever any position is available. Make sure to wear decent clothes to make a great first impression. 


  • Check with your educational institution, as they may have a career service that will help you to get in touch with the potential employer. They might also have a job search page on their website, listing available part-time jobs. 




6. Spread The Word


  • Share your job search with your professors or friends. You never know if someone knows about a job that could be perfect for you. Whether you are looking for part-time or casual employment in Melbourne or any part of Australia, keep the above aspects in mind.


  • If you can balance study and work commitments, are willing to work, and have time management skills, many companies will accept you with open arms.



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