Study Creative Arts Courses in Australia: A Complete Guide

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International students want to study creative arts courses in Australia and want to know more about them.


Many students from around the world love studying in Australia. After graduating, they often become part of creative industries or work independently as artists.


Various education providers in Australia offer a broad array of courses in creative arts and prepare students for careers such as visual and performing artists.


Admission to creative arts courses in Australia depends on a student's potential and talent rather than academic qualifications. If you aim to enrol in creative arts programmes, Australia is your best option.



Three Qualification Levels:


There are different qualification levels to study creative arts in Australia. These are:


  1. Undergraduate (Bachelor)

  2. Postgraduate (Master)

  3. VET (Vocational Education & Training)



1. Undergraduate Study In Creative Arts 


The undergraduate level of study in creative arts offers a wide range of subjects in different specialist courses to choose from. Here are some of the majors that you can study:



The undergraduate qualification level in this specific field allows you to become a part of the creative industry, one of the world's fastest-growing industries.


Creative arts is an extensive field as far as courses and specialisations are concerned. Under this field, you'll find some comprehensive and standard courses like painting, drama, music, and specialised areas such as circus arts. 


You can study various undergraduate-level courses. These include theatre crafts, costume design, fashion, cinematographic make-up, photography, musical theatre, vocal studies, and interior design


All in all, the undergraduate level of creative arts involves the study of theory combined with practice-based work. 



Where To Study Undergraduate Level Creative Arts Courses?


Various TAFE institutes, universities and private colleges in Australia offer undergraduate degrees in creative arts. Also, several renowned education providers in Australia specialise in creative arts fields. 


Usually, your interests and skills will determine the course you choose. Still, you must also consider the course's academic and practical focus, including the institution's strong reputation.


This is a field where you'll not have to attend lectures all day long. Hence, you must consider the teaching staff's experience and the physical infrastructure of the institution. You must make sure to check that the institution you choose to study offers practical experience. 


Creative arts courses mainly include activities like gallery and studio visits and performances. Some professional institutions have their galleries and resident artists, which helps students immerse themselves in the realistic arts community. 



Career Opportunities For Undergraduate Level Creative Arts Students


Most people in the performing and visual arts industry get backstage roles, including administration, sound production, and film design. So, creative arts courses in Australia also expose undergraduate students to this side of the business. 


To secure your future, you must choose a course like graphic design, which will help you explore your artistic skills allowing you to work for businesses. 


Job prospects might vary depending on the specialisation you choose across different institutions. You can expect an average salary of around AUD 43,113 if you look for jobs immediately after completing the undergraduate level. 



2. Postgraduate Study in Creative Arts


Many specialisations in this field emphasised the practical development of painting, music, and theatre skills. Nowadays, industrial design and graphic design courses in Australia complement these traditional artistic fields. 


A postgraduate degree is specifically for students with a background in this field. Still, a few courses are available for students wishing to change their careers. They have studied some other programs at the undergraduate level. 


Apart from popular disciplines like visual arts, performing arts, music, film and television, other unique options are available, such as directing, art therapy and curatorship. Students with diverse interests can combine their postgraduate studies with other fields through a double degree. 


Many students who choose to study at the postgraduate level apply for research programs as it allows them to complete extensive study in a specific discipline. In research programs, students don't need to submit a thesis. They can even present a combination of their creative projects with a minor thesis. 


Entry requirements at the postgraduate level may vary, depending on the focus of your course. Your practical track record, academic performance or qualification can determine the entry criteria. 



Where To Study Postgraduate Level Creative Arts Courses?


Creative Arts courses under the postgraduate level are readily available at TAFE institutes, private colleges and universities. This is one of the fields where students have very definite interests, so it's crucial to ensure that the institution or course you choose must meet your requirements. 


You also must ensure that the institution you choose has a strong reputation and offers practical and academic experience. 


If you are considering pursuing a research degree, you must look for education providers and institutions with a historical background in research and creative practice in your particular discipline. 


As we all know, the creative experience is vital for creative arts courses. You must ensure that your institute offers excellent facilities like exhibition spaces, art studios, theatres and recording studios. 



Career Opportunities For Postgraduate level Creative Arts Students


Students who complete postgraduate creative arts courses can find work opportunities as interior decorators, actors, stage managers, graphic designers, web designers, illustrators, and more.


Postgraduate students can also find managerial positions, such as arts administrator or curatorship. The average salary for a postgraduate-level creative arts student starts at AUD 64,566. 



3. VET Study In Creative Arts 


Vocational Education and Training programs in the creative arts fields cover a broad range of visual and performing arts courses such as acting, ceramics, desktop publishing, animation, arts administration, stage management, fine arts, dance, music, printing, and fashion designing courses in Australia for international students.


These courses are available under both lower-level certificates and advanced diplomas. Some of the specialisations are available in the higher education sector as well. Overall, VET qualifications offer basic skills applicable to several creative arts positions in the creative industries. 


To get entry into the VET level study, you must fulfil the English language and academic requirements. The entry criteria vary among different qualification levels, courses, and institutions.  



Where To Study VET Creative Arts Courses in Australia?


You can study VET creative arts courses at Private VET providers and TAFE institutes in Australia. It is very convenient to find the course of your choice under the VET level study. There are even some education providers who are specialists in creative arts courses. 


So, look for institutes with excellent facilities, creative arts faculties and better specialisations. It's crucial to remember that institutes with good facilities offer computer labs, theatres, recording studios, art studios, editing suites, exhibition spaces, and more. 



Career Opportunities For VET-Level Creative Arts Students


Most VET graduates work as artists, such as ceramicists, painters, jewellers, etc. Further, some even choose careers like graphic design in the multimedia industries. VET creative arts courses provide skilled-based training and understanding of technology required in the creative industries.


Other job prospects, particularly in the printing field, are only available to qualified VET students. Through VET study, you'll not just get a great job. Still, you will also attain practical knowledge of how a specific industry operates.


To achieve basic skills, you can study at the certificate level. For more advanced training, you can study diploma and advanced diploma courses.


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