How To Become A Journalist In Australia: A Complete Guide

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Students want to know how to become journalists in Australia.


Journalism is a dynamic, competitive, fast-paced field that relies on quick thinking and flexibility. Journalists must keep themselves updated with the news at all times, get information about the day's most important stories and be willing to research at any hour.


In today's digital age, journalists heavily depend on modern technology and its ability to find news instantly. For instance, the popularity of Twitter as a crucial source of information means that the deadlines for journalists are much tighter, and they must always be a step ahead.


This post will teach you everything you need to become a journalist in Australia, including degrees, qualifications, courses, what journalists do, salary, and more.


Regardless of your chosen career path, be ready to encounter hundreds of applicants competing for a single position!



1. What Does A Journalist Do?


A journalist conducts research to produce and write news articles. These news pieces are then published in a newspaper, magazine, or online. 


In other circumstances, a journalist's story broadcasts on the radio or television. A journalist is responsible for finding relevant and engaging stories for the audience.


Before conducting research, a journalist might need to pitch their story to the management. Gathering suggestions and looking at what other news organisations have published might help the journalist to find leads.


They can even conduct interviews to make the story more newsworthy and relevant. In this situation, they will have to look for individuals linked to the story, like family members of the person involved or other eyewitnesses.


Sometimes, getting an interview may be challenging, and you may need to persuade people to participate in an interview. In some occupations, a journalist may need to produce a specific number of articles in a given period.


A few of them may also appear on television to report stories firsthand. Not only that, but journalists can also be in charge of videography. Strong verbal communication and writing skills are required for a journalist to present and write stories in a cohesive and captivating manner.


Many jobs will require you to possess a bachelor of journalism or communications degree or a related degree. Some may even demand prior experience, while others offer you an internship or entry-level position.



2. Major Duties And Tasks of A Journalist



  • Collaborating with other senior editors and following editorial policies, making decisions on the specific content of publications.

  • Critically discuss current events in the newspaper's editorial section, and review films, books, and plays.

  • Present news on-air (radio or television).

  • Conduct research and compose technical, information-based content with documentation for manuals, handbooks, textbooks, and multimedia products.

  • Write news reports, articles, commentaries, and feature stories for journals, magazines, newspapers, radio and television on topics of public interest.

  • Conduct research to provide background information for articles.

  • Choose an advertising strategy by consulting management and clients and studying products to identify key selling points.

  • Write advertisements for billboards, cinema screens, shop displays, catalogues, radio, press, and television.

  • Review copy for publication to verify that it follows established grammar rules, accuracy, format and style, content probability, legality, and the story's coherence.

  • Analyse and collect facts about newsworthy events from printed material, interviews, observations, and investigations.

  • Assess the suitability of articles and reports for broadcast and publishing, ensure that they adhere to a consistent style and structure, and make necessary edits.



3. Steps To Become A Journalist in Australia


To have a successful career in journalism, you need critical thinking skills to synthesise, access, and retain factual information. Further, be a good communicator, and stay persistent and motivated to obtain the best version of the truth. 


Here are some more steps you can follow to become a journalist in Australia:



Step 1: Get a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism


You do not require a specific educational background to work as a journalist in Australia. However, you may want to work professionally in broadcast, print, or internet journalism in Australia. In that case, you will have to show potential employers that you have the practical abilities and proper knowledge required to execute the job.


Journalism is a vast field that incorporates: entertainment reporters, sports reporters, political reporters, fitness and health reporters, and technology reporters, including videographers, photographers, and other specialists who may use their specialised skills in a media project. 


With a broad spectrum of opportunities available in this field, you must pursue a three-year bachelor of journalism degree to help you move in the right direction.


You can also take up a related field with a major in Journalism, often followed by a cadetship of one year, which involves on-the-job training. Additionally, you can even choose to pursue a three-year cadetship, allowing you to get journalism experience and instructions under the guidance of senior and professional journalists.



Step 2: Go To A Journalism School


Journalism School in Australia usually refers to an institute that offers master's or graduate degree programs in journalism. 


Here are some of the best journalism schools in Australia:



Those currently working in the profession and want to enhance their skills might benefit from a bachelor's degree in journalism. It is also a fantastic opportunity for those who want to switch their sociology, psychologybusinesslaw, or other humanities and arts professions to a successful career in journalism. 


Furthermore, individuals wishing to teach journalism at the college level need at least a bachelor's degree.



Step 3: Complete Internships



Trial-and-error on-the-job experience, apprenticeships, and internships were common ways to study journalism in the past. Nowadays, understanding journalism concepts and fundamental principles takes place in a classroom, and learning journalism practices requires hands-on experience.


Many universities and colleges in Australia promote journalism learning through school community radio stations, campus newspapers, and even television production laboratories in some cases. At the undergraduate level, podcasting and online blogging have become more popular.


Completing paid or unpaid internships at different media outlets such as magazines, newspapers, and broadcast stations is essential to a journalist's training.


There is a high demand for ambitious and young trainee journalists to work with professionals in newsrooms. Most media companies offer a structured internship program for their interns.


Furthermore, universities or colleges affiliate with organisations offering these internships. So to gain valuable experience as you advance in your journalism career, you must intern with a reputable media firm.



Step 4: Choose an Area of Specialisation


Previously, professional journalism consisted of print media and broadcast, with television and radio as the two primary divisions of broadcast. Today, multimedia and digital journalism have emerged as a third field, blurring the difference between broadcast and print media.


Additionally, convergent media is the recent trend in journalism studies. It focuses on media firms and journalists as online entities that incorporate broadcast and print functions. 


Overall, in today's digital world, you will find journalists who are generalists and those who specialise in a particular field. Below is a list of specialisations that you can consider to enhance your career in journalism:


  • Environmental Journalism

  • Broadcast Journalism

  • Photojournalism

  • Political Journalism

  • Multimedia or Online Journalism

  • Global or International Journalism

  • Sports Reporting

  • Financial and Business Reporting

  • Science and Health Reporting

  • News Reporting

  • Magazine and Feature Writing



Step 5: Get an Entry-Level Job


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to landing your first job as a journalist, but you can do a few things to start your career. As an aspiring journalist, you must focus on building a portfolio of all your work that may include clips from your television or radio broadcasts and published photographs or stories. 


You can obtain these materials through journalism school projects or internships.


Besides, you can even participate in independent activities like blogging, podcasting, and videocasting to produce relevant clips.


Suppose you want to become a successful journalist in Australia. You must be ready to approach producers and editors at famous media and publishing houses. You can send them professional enquiries that include a well-written cover letter, portfolio materials, and multiple story ideas.



Step 6: Continue Your Education and Pursue Advanced Degrees


Sometimes, it is easy to overlook the fact that journalism is a technology-driven industry. Like television and radio have transformed journalism, the expansion of mobile phones and the internet has brought new opportunities. 


According to most media analysts, the nature of journalism will continue to change. These concerns are discussed regularly in master's and doctoral journalism degrees, both theoretically and practically. Hence, if you want to study journalism in-depth, you should continue your education and pursue advanced degrees.



4. How to Become a Journalist Without a Degree?


More than being theoretical, journalism is more of a practical profession. And you can receive some journalism knowledge through academic institutions. Many of today's brilliant journalists gain a lot of experience and expertise in most situations.


Do you wonder how to become a journalist without a degree? You first need to learn the essential skills required for journalism. Writing and communication skills with a thorough understanding of technical media may assist you.


Furthermore, once you have mastered your skills, you can intern at a media firm, which can also help you get an entry-level job. Remember, if you want to be a journalist, your courage will help you more than an academic qualification.



5. Journalism Jobs in Australia


Most journalists in Australia work for country, suburban, and metropolitan television and radio stations, magazines, and newspapers. They typically begin their careers as cadets covering daily events. Reporters working for radio, newspapers, or television need to be all-rounders who can practically cover any issue of interest.


Additionally, they might also choose to work with press agencies. As the industry is rapidly changing, it is common for some journalists to work as freelancers and enjoy their profession. 


Others may work for government departments, take up publicity roles, work for ministers as press secretaries, or pursue relevant fields such as marketing, advertising, or public relations.


With proper experience and training, journalists can undertake several responsibilities, depending on their area of specialisation. After several years of experience, they may even advance to the position of an editor.



6. How Much Do Journalists Earn in Australia?


Due to the risk involved in journalism and its complexity, journalists in Australia earn quite well by executing their tasks flawlessly. And, of course, good work is always rewarded with good pay.


According to Payscale, Australia's average annual journalist salary is around AUD 53,200. This salary does not include additional bonuses that journalists are eligible for.


Now that you know everything about becoming a journalist in Australia, you are ready to embark on your journey to becoming a successful journalist.


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