How To Write A Cover Letter (CV) In Australia: Key To Success

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International students want to know how to write a cover letter in Australia and the length of it.


In Australia, most employers require candidates to submit a cover letter with their job application. A cover letter gives you the perfect opportunity to add value to your resume.


It focuses on your previous accomplishments, experiences, and skills connected to the role you are applying for in an organisation. 


In this post, we'll discuss the following points:


  • The Purpose of a Cover Letter

  • What's The Ideal Length of a Cover Letter?

  • Make Your Cover Letter Job-Specific

  • What To Include in a Cover Letter?



1. The Purpose of a Cover Letter 


A cover letter is usually single-page and needs to be attached to your resume. It helps you introduce yourself to the company and show interest in the organisation or a particular position. All in all, a cover letter draws the employer's attention and motivates him to interview you. 


A concise and neat cover letter enables you to make a great first impression on your prospective employer. So, when you are writing a cover letter, make sure to consider the following:


  • Introduce yourself.

  • Mention the type of job position you are looking for or applying for.

  • Demonstrate in your cover letter that your experiences and skills match the job requirements.

  • Motivate the reader to read your cover letter.

  • End the cover letter by including a call-to-action (for example, asking to schedule an interview and discuss further the job role). 



2. What's The Ideal Cover Letter Length?


A cover letter should be short as it is supposed to be a summary of your resume. Keep in mind that employers have a limited time to read your cover letter, so only write one page. 


A cover letter can be over half a page or less than a full page and must include around 250 to 300 words.


Make sure to divide your cover letter into three paragraphs. Each paragraph should have impressive opening lines and must close with essential details that focus on what you can do for the organisation.



3. Make Your Cover Letter Job-Specific


Every job you are applying for should have a different cover letter. Your cover letter must demonstrate that you know what your job involves and what the recruiter is looking for in a candidate.


Apart from being specific about your qualities and skills, you must also focus on how you can contribute to the organisation. 


Here are a few tips to make your cover letter job-specific:



Tip 1: Find Out To Who You Are Addressing The Cover Letter To


Avoid writing 'To whom it may concern when addressing the cover letter. Instead, try finding out the name of the person reviewing your job application. It may require you to put in some effort, but it's worth it. 


To find out the employer's name, you can either call the organisation or email them. 


If you get to know the person's name, use their last name in the cover letter, and make sure to include 'Mr' or 'Ms' before the last name. 



Tip 2: Learn More About The Job 


You should know the essential details about the job you seek to improve your cover letter. To learn more about the job, you need to find the following things:


  • Whether you'll be working as a part of the team?

  • If you got the job, whom would you report to?

  • Find out the company's requirements for a specific job role 

  • Find out detailed information about the job position


After you find the above details, you can use them in your cover letter and make them impressive. 



Tip 3: Search More About The Company Online


Familiarising yourself with the company will help you tailor your cover letter accordingly. 


You can look for more information online if you know the company's name. You can visit their website and gather as much information as possible about them.


This will help you mention the organisation's correct details, making it an informative and attention-grabbing cover letter. 



4. What to Include in A Cover Letter


A cover letter must be precise and include all the essential information. Remember, you cannot miss out on any detail. Here are a few things that you can have in your cover letter:



Add Your Name And Contact Details


Mention your name and contact details at the top left side of your cover letter.


You can skip writing your postal address, but it's necessary to mention your phone number and email address. Make sure to include a professional email address with your first and last name. 



Add The Employer's Details


After mentioning your name and contact details, you need to include the employer's name, his position in the company, the company's name, and their contact details.


If you face any problem finding these details, you can directly call the company and ask for the details. 



Add The Name of The Position You Are Applying For


At the beginning of your cover letter, mention what position you are applying for.


You can even bolden or underline the position to increase the chances of your cover letter being read rather than ignored.



Add Relevant Skills and Experiences


Including your experiences and skills in the cover letter conveys your personality and shows why you are the perfect candidate for the job.


Therefore, try highlighting your achievements, motivations, and skills to demonstrate your interest in a particular position. Also, you need to make sure that your skills are relevant to the role.  



Add a Summary of Why You Are Suitable For The Job


After writing about your experiences and skills, explain in a few sentences why you fit the job.


It's the part where you explain what makes you different and unique for the role. Remember that from an employer's point of view, you must be able to add a new perspective to the position you are applying for. 



Add Call To Action


Your cover letter should end by adding a call to action. This is where you ask the employer to contact you for the interview. By including a call to action in your cover letter, you tell the recruiter that you are looking forward to hearing from them.


All in all, adding a call-to-action makes the process easier for the recruiter.  



5. Conclusion


If you're a recent graduate who wants to write an outstanding cover letter, you can take help from your university's career department. They can offer you professional advisers who guide you on what to include in the cover letter. 


Also, several free cover letter samples are available online to help you write a perfect letter.


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