Tips For Moving Home After Completing Your Studies In Australia

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International students want to know what they must do in Australia before returning to their home country.


Living in another country is a thrilling experience for international students. It teaches you new things, helps you grow, and adds meaning to your life.


But heading back home after studying in Australia can be tricky. There's a lot to think about, like finding a job back home, getting a new place to stay, reconnecting with friends, and more.


It might feel like starting from scratch, but these tips can help make the transition easier.



1. Plan Ahead


When you move to a new place, you plan for travel, where to live, socialising, work, and more. The same goes for when you come back home.


Remember, thinking ahead for this next part of your life is important. Stay open-minded, be positive, and be aware of any challenges you might face in your home country.



2. Take Care of Administrative Matters


Before moving back, you must deal with all the administrative matters. These include applying to graduate, paying student debts (library fines), getting a copy of your student transcript, etc.


And if you have an account with an Australian bank, you must close your account before leaving your study abroad destination. 


If you are staying in a rental property, you need to inform your landlord that soon, you’ll be moving out accordingly. You need to organise for your utilities to be disconnected and pay your final bills.


You might have to apply for a tax return if you have a part-time job in Australia. For more details, check out the website of the Australian Taxation Office.



3. Get Rid of All The Unwanted Items


Getting rid of all the unwanted items, such as clothing, furniture and homewares, can be a great idea. You can choose what things to take back home and replace or sell the remaining items. Selling unwanted items may even help you fund your travel expenses. 


To sell your belongings, you can advertise them on campus notice boards or set up a market stall with your friends. 


Also, if your motive is not to earn money, you can donate the items to a charity of your choice. 



4. Organise Your Flight Tickets


You should carefully research all your flight options while returning to your home country. Many airlines provide discounts for students and extra luggage allowance. 


If there are any items you want to ship back home, you should explore different shipping methods and shipping costs. 


Also, don’t forget to ensure that your passport is valid. 



5. Expect To See Changes


Not adapting to changes is one of the most significant reverse culture shock examples that may lead to experiencing difficulties in your home country. 


Therefore, you should expect changes in yourself, your lifestyle, places, and other people in your environment. Expecting changes will make moving back a lot easier and more comfortable.



6. Find A Mentor at Home


Coming home after an exchange year in Australia can make it difficult to organise things. Hence, having a mentor will help you to deal with various issues, such as looking out for job opportunities, finding accommodation, and handling other logistical and administrative matters. 


The mentor you choose can be your close friend or family member. 



7. Find Similar People


When you return to your home country, you may encounter people who are least interested in listening to the experiences you’ve gained while living abroad. 


Therefore, you need to find someone with a similarly international experience so that you can debrief and expand your existing social circle. 



8. Going Home Checklist 


You can use this list to make plans for returning to your home country: 


Serial No. To Do Done
1. Close your bank account.  
2. Pay the outstanding amount on your credit card.  
3. Inform your landlord that you are about to move out.
Give them the required length of notice as stated in your lease.
4. Disconnect landline telephone.  
5. Settle all the outstanding phone bills.  
6. Disconnect gas/electricity.  
7. Settle all the outstanding gas/electricity bills.  
8. Terminate all your internet and phone contracts.  
9. Finalise your outstanding medical bills.  
10. Clear all the outstanding debts with the University (library fines).  
11. Return borrowed items, library books, etc.  
12. Get an official academic transcript.  
13. Make sure you have a valid passport.  
14. Purchase air tickets.  
15. Make provisions beforehand for transportation to the airport, especially if you are carrying a lot of luggage.  
16. Get rid of unwanted items.  
17. Make arrangements for your items to be sent home.
Research and compare the prices of shipping companies, airfreight, and sea and airmail.
18. Consider the length of time it will take for parcels to arrive in your home country.  
19. Check with airlines on excess luggage and costs.  
20. Don’t sneak out of Australia without informing or visiting your friends.  



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