How To Write an Expression of Interest: Key To Success

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Students want to know how to write an expression of interest for an internal job, contract, project, and committee.


Do you want to learn how to write the perfect expression of interest that will encourage an employer to hire you?


Are you new to job hunting and want to improve your writing skills before submitting your expression of interest? Put your concerns to rest because you've arrived at the perfect place to find answers.


This article will cover everything from expressing interest to creating an expression of interest letter that will make you stand out from the crowd.


So, sit back, buckle up, and take notes because this will be an exciting ride!



1. What Is an Expression of Interest?


As the name implies, expressing interest is communicating your desire for something in written form.

You do so by writing a letter to the company stating your want to work for them before they have advertised any vacancies or expressed a desire to engage anyone.


Before writing an expression of interest, there are a few points to consider, like using a professional tone and mentioning every detail relevant to the job post, such as your experience and skills. 


As a result, you must have realised that you will need to devote some time to composing your interest expression. The better your cover letter, the more likely you will land your desired job.



2. When Do You Need to Write an Expression of Interest?


You need to write your expression of interest when:


  • You want to send in your job application even when the company has not advertised any job openings.

  • You'd like to apply for a different position inside the same organisation.


Some organisations may offer you a specific work position after reviewing your expression of interest, even though they have not publicly advertised the role.


Instead of putting it out there, they may call you for an interview and complete the employment process.


You never know. If the company finds your letter compelling, they might establish a new function for you.



3. What Is The Expression of Interest Structure?


The letter of expression of interest, like any other letter or essay, has a specific structure that you must adhere to. 


The following is a suggested format for your letter of expression of interest:



Always Start by Introducing Yourself


Before highlighting your unique skills relevant to the job position you want to acquire, you should always introduce yourself at the very beginning of the letter. 


You need to specify why you are approaching them and write why you are excited to work at their company.


The company wants employees to know its mission and details about the product or service they specialise in.


So remember to highlight the aspects of the company that sparks your interest so that they know you are well-read about the company.



Shed Some Light on Your Skills and Experience


After the brief introduction, take the opportunity to write good things about yourself and highlight your distinctive skill sets and your past achievements. 


Your accomplishments must be relevant to the job position you are filling. It is important to note that you should highlight both your technical and soft skills.


The letter of expression of interest also gives you the perfect opportunity to boast about your knowledge, like any relevant courses you have studied or degrees that you have. 


You should also mention if you have ever attended any workshops or seminars related to your field of interest.



Let Them Know Why You Think You Would Be Beneficial To The Company


If a company wants to hire you, they would like to know how you would add to the company's success and how you will benefit them. 


Talk about the solution the company is working on and how you would be a perfect fit.



Additional Tips For Writing an Expression of Interest


The more relevant your skills, knowledge, and experience is to the company, the better your chances are of getting an interview


Creating your email signature is an absolute must when sending an official email.


Add your contact details in that signature. Conclude your letter by saying things like "looking forward to your positive response" and "thank you for your time and hoping for a call soon!". 


Emphasise your abilities and qualities in your letter of expression of interest as well as the value you can contribute to the business, including how you can help it expand.


Always send an updated resume along with the letter. This will allow the recruiters to learn more about your skills, educational background, experience, etc.



4. How To Write an Expression of Interest Letter?


You must know how to write an expression of interest letter to get a job.


Keep the below in mind while you compose your letter to impress the person in charge of hiring you.



Do a Thorough Research on The Company Before Writing The Letter


Before you even write your letter of expression, you should head over to the internet and gather all kinds of information regarding the company. 


You need to understand the mission and vision of the company properly. This will help you write your letter better and make an outstanding first impression.


Dig through every corner of their social media presence, including their website, LinkedIn, Twitter, or even any published news articles or posts.


Also, check their old job descriptions about the kind of person they usually look for and the responsibilities. 


You will get a rough idea of what they expect from their employees and what responsibilities you will receive. This will help you update your letter with the specific skills they are looking for and mention the qualities and job experience they expect.



Understand Why You Want The Job


When you apply for a particular job, there might be many other jobs with similar requirements. 


So when choosing a particular company to work for, you need to be clear about why you need that specific job. 


Two things should reflect in your letter of expression: why you are the perfect fit for the job and why the job is the ideal fit for you.


Think about the following questions when you are choosing a particular company:


  • How does this company stand out from the rest of the companies? What is so appealing about them that made you choose them?

  • How is the company relevant to both your personal and professional goals?


When you mention why you prefer this company over other companies, it creates a sense of loyalty and trust from the very onset. Here is how you can subtly say why you are into a company:


Try to stay somewhere in the middle of being frank. Do not go overboard with it, and do not tone it down completely. 


If you are taking the job because the pay is excellent, do not outright say it. Most employers will not appreciate it, and it will showcase that you might be disloyal and only care about money. 


Instead, try to throw light on other things like their work flexibility, work environment, various opportunities, and the experience your job role will give you.


You should also talk about how the job will help you to upskill your already present skills. You always get to learn something new when you work on something new by utilising your already current skill sets. Include this in your EOI.



Include Your Contact Details, Date, Salutation, and Purpose of Writing The Letter


While formatting the letter is extremely important, it is also essential to properly provide your contact details and the letter's purpose. 


You may make this a part of your introduction. Given below is a checklist for you to tick off while you write the EOI:


  • Your name

  • The job title you applied for (if necessary)

  • Phone number (both personal and professional)

  • Email address

  • Street address

  • Town/city and the pin code of the particular locality

  • The complete date of your writing the letter

  • The person you are addressing the letter to

  • The name of the company

  • The street address of the company

  • The town/city/territory of the company

  • Salutation

  • Sub: Expression of interest.



Dedicate a Separate Paragraph For Your Experience and Accomplishments


After you write about yourself and why you need this job, it is time to make your skill sets, experience, and accomplishments shine in a separate paragraph. 


While it is essential to specify your technical skills, remember to mention your soft skills. These include communication skills, trustworthiness, empathy, emotional intelligence, etc.


Then talk about the relevant experiences you have acquired in the past, like any internship or job where you had a similar role. 


Having experience is always a plus point when it comes to getting your dream job.



Write A Proper Conclusion


Your letter can be very attractive and alluring, but if your conclusion is not up to par, it might be the reason for the rejection of the job request. 


When concluding your EOI, always express gratitude towards the employer for taking their precious time to read your letter. 


The company will call you when it will be convenient for them and not according to you, remember that.


The signature that you will add at the end should be professional and neat. A reasonable conclusion will leave a positive impression on the employer. They will keep your name and EOI in mind when they want to hire you.



5. Example of an Expression of Interest


Now that you know the basics, let's look at an EOI example:


Dear Sir/Ma'am (or the name of the employer or the company),


My name is (), and I recently came across an article/post where … (explain how you came across their company and what caught your attention).


With a work experience of () years in the () field, it would be my honour and privilege to work for your company and take the company to its zenith.


In my previous job experience at (), I acquired the skills of (add the relevant hard or technical skills here). It has also helped me sharpen my interpersonal communication and leadership skills (you can add many more soft skills here).


(In this paragraph, add your accomplishments and the projects you have worked on.)


I have recently completed my graduation on () course at () college/university (you can also add the workshops or seminars you attended here). I am an eager learner and keep sharpening my skills daily.


Here's how I can contribute to the company: (add 3-5 skills relevant to the job role)


I can fulfil my duties and responsibilities to the best of my ability. I have attached my CV to the email body, and please find my contact details in my email signature. 



I am waiting for your positive response. Thank you so much for your time. 




(email signature that has your contact details)



6. Conclusion


The first step toward your dream career is to express your interest. 


This letter will serve as your first impression since it will determine whether or not you receive an interview call


So, try to put thought into this letter and write it in a way that will set you apart from the rest.


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